
Vaalerenga vs Stroemsgodset Prediction, Odds & Betting Tips (Norway, Eliteserien, 1/10/2022)

Stroemsgodset visit Vaalerenga on Saturday 1/10/2022 in Norway’s Eliteserien with the match set to kick off at 16:00 local time at Skagerak Arena.
Ahead of the match Vaalerenga is currently ranking 5 in the Eliteserien table having beaten Sandefjord 4-0 last time

, while Stroemsgodset is ranking 8 having won against Kristiansund BK 4-1 last time.

If we have a look at the odds, Vaalerenga have a 61.73% chance of winning the match with an average odds of 1.62, while Stroemsgodset have a 21.74% chance of winning the match with an average odds of 4.60.
The odds for the game to be a draw are 4.02 or 24.88.
If we have a look at the odds, Vaalerenga have a 61.73% chance of winning the match with an average odds of 5/8, while Stroemsgodset have a 21.74% chance of winning the match with an average odds of 18/5.
The odds for the game to be a draw are 151/50 or 24.88.
If we have a look at the odds, Vaalerenga have a 61.73% chance of winning the match with an average odds of -162, while Stroemsgodset have a 21.74% chance of winning the match with an average odds of 360.
The odds for the game to be a draw are 302 or 24.88.
Vaalerenga are favourites in this game.

Vaalerenga vs Stroemsgodset Form

Out of last 10 matches in the Eliteserien

have won 8
, having scored in all of these matches

have won 3
having scored in 7 of these matches.
&nbspIn their last five matches at Skagerak Arena, Vaalerenga have earned a total of 15 points.
&nbspVisitors have now won one point intheir last five matches away from home.

Vaalerenga vs Stroemsgodset Head to Head

In the last 10 matches the two teams have played in the Eliteserien against each other
, Vaalerenga have won 5 matches
, where Stroemsgodset have won two matches

&nbspand there was 3 matches that have ended in a draw.
On average, 2.9 goals have been scored in each of these 10 last head-to-head matches
. Vaalerenga have been scoring an average of 1.9 goals in each match
, while Stroemsgodset have been scoring an average of 1.0 goals in each match.
&nbspLast time they played Vaalerenga lost the match with 2-3.

The game was on Sunday, 22/5/2022, 16:00 at Marienlyst Stadion .

In Vaalerenga’s last 10 Eliteserien matches, an average of 3.7 goals have been scored in each match
, while an average of 3.1 goals have been scored Stroemsgodset’s matches.
&nbspIn these matches,
&nbspDag-Eilev Fagermo’s team
&nbsphave scored an average of 2.70 goals in each match and have conceded an average of 1.00 goals in each game
&nbspHaakon Wibe-Lund’s team
have scored an average of 1.80 goals in each match and have conceded an average of 1.30 goals in each game.

Vaalerenga vs Stroemsgodset Odds on Both Teams To Score

60% of both Vaalerenga’s and Stroemsgodset’s last 10 matches in the Eliteserien have ended with both teams scoring.

With an average odds of 2.31 there is a 43.29% chance of neither of the teams scoring in the match on Saturday.
With an average odds of 12/23 there is a 65.79% chance of both teams scoring in the match on Saturday.
With an average odds of 17/13 there is a 43.29% chance of neither of the teams scoring in the match on Saturday.
With an average odds of -193 there is a 65.79% chance of both teams scoring in the match on Saturday.
With an average odds of 131 there is a 43.29% chance of neither of the teams scoring in the match on Saturday.

Comparing Vaalerenga vs Stroemsgodset Betting Odds

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Disclaimer: This match preview for Vaalerenga vs Stroemsgodset was published on Tuesday, 27/9/2022.
When you are reading this, please have in mind that odds are subject to change and some odds may have changed after publishing.