Niniejsza Polityka Prywatności opisuje sposób w jaki obchodzimy się z Twoimi danymi osobowymi, które mogą być gromadzone podczas odwiedzin naszej strony. Odnosi się to tylko do danych przetwarzanych na tej stronie i nie ma zastosowania do innych witryn internetowych. Właścicielem niniejszej strony jest:

Poniższa Polityka Prywatności została opracowana w celu informowania klientów i odwiedzających naszą stronę o tym w jaki sposób ich dane osobowe są gromadzone, wykorzystywane, przechowywane lub przetwarzane w inny sposób podczas przeglądania tej witryny.

Niniejsza Polityka prywatności obowiązuje od 1 Marsz 2021 roku.


Możliwe jest,że od czasu do czasu, jeżeli uznamy to za konieczne będziemy aktualizować tę Politykę, dlatego proponujemy jej regularne sprawdzanie.

Istnieją dwa rodzaje modyfikacji, które mogą się pojawić: zasadnicze i/albo pomniejsze.

Zasadnicze modyfikacje pojawiają się wtedy kiedy wprowadzamy zmianę sposobu przetwarzania danych. Modyfikacja ta może wpłynąć na Twoje prawa i obowiązki dotyczące przetwarzania Twoich danych personalnych (np. jeśli wprowadzimy nowe usługi na naszej stronie, które w znaczny sposób wpłyną na sposób przetwarzania danych).

Drobne modyfikacje nie mają wpływu na Twoje prawa i obowiązki dotyczące przetwarzania informacji na Twój temat (np. korekty lub ulepszenia językowe, nowe czcionki lub style).

Poinformujemy Cię o wszelkich kluczowych zmianach z wyprzedzeniem, tak abyś miał wystarczająco dużo czasu na zrozumienie i rozważenie zmian zanim wejdą w życie.


Podczas gdy odwiedzasz  naszą stronę możemy przetwarzać dwa rodzaje Twoich danych personalnych:

  • Dane identyfikacji elektronicznej, które dotyczą Twojego adresu IP, systemu operacyjnego, którego używasz, unikalnych identyfikatorów urządzeń , informacji o sieci komórkowej, lokalizacji urządzenia, typu przeglądarki używanej do przeglądania naszej witryny oraz daty i godziny poszczególnych wejść na naszą stronę.
  • Informacje o Twoich rutynowych zachowaniach podczas odwiedzin naszych stron partnerskich (czy odwiedziłeś którąkolwiek z tych stron, czy dokonałeś rejestracji lub też czy brałeś udział w grach w ich witrynach internetowych). Tego rodzaju dane są przetwarzane na poziomie zagregowanym i nie można ich połączyć z Twoimi personaliami.

Do przetwarzania wyżej wspomnianych danych wykorzystujemy pliki cookie oraz analogiczne technologie. Umożliwia nam to optymalizowanie funkcjonalności naszej strony, promocję naszych produktów i dostarczanie treści od osób trzecich.

Ażeby dowiedzieć się więcej o tzw. ‘ciasteczkach’, których używamy na tej stronie, zapoznaj się z naszą Polityką Plików Cookie.


Tzw. uzasadniony interes polega na przetwarzaniu Twoich danych osobowych co ma na celu zwiększenie efektywności naszego produktu jak również poprawę jakości świadczonych przez nas usług. Wykorzystujemy tego typu dane do pomiaru aktualnej skuteczności kampanii reklamowych, które są realizowane na naszej stronie. Ponadto, generowane informacje, które zostały zgromadzone podczas Twojej wizyty na naszej stronie internetowej, są również wykorzystywane ażeby poprawić ogólny komfort użytkowania witryny oraz w celu adaptacji i udoskonalania treści na naszej stronie jak również jej zabezpieczenia i utrzymania funkcjonalności oraz zapobiegania potencjalnym zagrożeniom.

Informacje o Twoim adresie IP wykorzystujemy głównie do celów analitycznych, takich jak obliczanie liczby osób odwiedzających naszą stronę z poszczególnych krajów czy regionów. Aby zaproponować Ci pełnowartościowy produkt, musimy również określić przybliżoną lokalizację Twojego urządzenia (np. w ten sposób dostarczamy Ci treści w języku, którym się posługujesz).

Do celów statystycznych możemy przetwarzać dane o Twojej aktywności na stronach internetowych naszych partnerów. Jest to szczególnie istotne dla uzasadnionego interesu jakim jest obliczanie naszych przychodów. Ten rodzaj informacji o Tobie jest zgrupowany z innymi danymi tego typu, co pomaga nam w tworzeniu statystyk dotyczących korzystania z naszych usług.


Przetwarzanie danych osobowych, których dokonujemy na tej stronie dotyczy Ciebie i Twoich personaliów.  W związku z tym na mocy stosownych dyrektyw unijnych o ochronie danych( Rozporządzenie o Ochronie Danych Osobowych, RODO) dalej określany będziesz jako podmiot danych i jako taki jesteś upoważniony do korzystania z praw gwarantowanych przez RODO, co zostało wyjaśnione poniżej.

Twoje prawa wynikające z ustaleń RODO:

  • Prawo do wycofania wcześniej udzielonej zgody na przetwarzanie danych
  • Prawo do uzyskania dostępu do Twoich danych, które przechowujemy i przetwarzamy
  • Prawo do korygowania danych osobowych, które są nieprawidłowe lub nieaktualne
  • Prawo do upominania się o usunięcie gromadzonych przez nas informacji na Twój temat
  • Prawo do sprzeciwienia się wykorzystywaniu i przetwarzaniu Twoich danych personalnych
  • Prawo żądania ograniczenia przetwarzania i korzystania  przez nas z Twoich danych osobowych
  • Prawo do domagania się możliwości przenoszenia danych
  • Prawo do złożenia skargi do Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych, jeśli uważasz, że Twoje prawa są naruszane

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat swoich praw lub jeśli chcesz wysłać do nas zapytanie dotyczące tych praw, możesz skontaktować się z nami drogą mailową pod adresem

Możesz również skontaktować się Duńską Agencją Ochrony Danych: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, DK-1300 Copenhagen K.


Aktualizacja i zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa Twoim danym jest dla nas priorytetem. Jesteśmy zobowiązani do zastosowania odpowiednich środków technicznych i organizacyjnych w celu zabezpieczenia ich przed przypadkową utratą, kradzieżą, nieuprawnionym dostępem, użyciem, naruszeniem lub jakimkolwiek innym nielegalnym działaniem.

Kolejną metodą ochrony Twoich danych osobowych jest kontrola dostępu. Jedynie upoważnieni i odpowiednio przeszkoleni pracownicy mają dostęp do informacji na Twój temat. Jest to bowiem niezbędne do rzetelnego wykonywania pracy przez nasz personel.

ODBIORCA ZEWNĘTRZNY (podmioty trzecie)

Istnieje możliwość, że Twoje dane będą udostępniane podmiotom trzecim, które pomagają nam udoskonalać nasze produkty i modernizować usługi (np. marketing, reklama, dokonywanie analiz, ogólny rozwój i bezpieczeństwo). W związku z tym może wystąpić konieczność przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych przez ww. podmioty w celu realizacji powierzonych im zadań.

Zgodnie z definicją RODO strony trzecie należy uznać za podmioty przetwarzające dane. Jako przetwórcy danych są oni zobowiązani do ich przetwarzania w oparciu o stosowne umowy o ochronie danych, które zostały stworzone aby zagwarantować bezpieczeństwo powierzonych nam informacji.

Jeżeli będziemy prawnie do tego zobowiązani, możemy udostępnić Twoje dane personalne władzom publicznym oraz organom ścigania.


Jeżeli Twoje dane personalne będą przekazywane poza obszar EOG, zawsze upewniamy się, że podjęte zostały wszelkie stosowne środki w celu zapewnienia odpowiedniego poziomu ochrony danych, zgodnie z definicją zawartą w obowiązującym prawie o ochronie danych.

Twoje dane osobowe mogą zostać przekazane do:

  • Odbiorcy mającego siedzibę w kraju, który według Komisji Europejskiej posiada odpowiedni poziom ochrony danych. Lista krajów, które dysponują takim poziomem możesz znaleźć tutaj.
  • Odbiorcy mającego siedzibę w kraju, który według Komisji Europejskiej nie gwarantuje odpowiedniego poziomu ochrony danych. W takiej sytuacji zawrzemy z odbiorcą umowę o ochronie danych, która będzie zawierać w zapisie standardowe klauzule umowne wydane przez Komisję Europejską. Zobowiąże to odbiorcę do zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa i ochrony danych na poziomie wymaganym przez RODO.


We believe in being transparent with our users about how we collect and use their data. To find out more about this and us as a data controller, you can read our Privacy Policy.

This Cookie Policy is aimed at making it clear for website users (“you”) how, when and why we use cookies.

For the information on how to delete or block cookies, please see the section How can I change my cookie settings? below. However, before you take any action with regard to cookies, we warmly advise you to read this policy.

Which information can you find in this policy?

Our use of cookies

About cookies

Which cookies do we use and what is their purpose?

Essential cookies

Preference and functionality cookies

Analytics cookies

Marketing cookies

Third party cookies

How can I change my cookie settings?

Opt-out from third party service we use

Changing browser settings

How to disable Flash cookies

Variation clause

Our use of cookies

Any browser visiting our Website will receive cookies from us. Insofar as cookies we use are not strictly necessary for the provision of this website, we will ask you to consent to our use of cookies when you first visit our website.

We use cookies on our Website because we wish all of our users to have the best possible on-site experience. Information provided via cookies makes it possible to optimise your experience.

Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. In our Privacy Policy you can find out more about what personal data relating to our users is being processed.

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About cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device by websites that you visit. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another. The use of cookies helps you to navigate between pages efficiently, helps remember your preferences and improve your browsing experience in other ways. Cookies can also help ensure that the marketing you see online is more relevant to you and your interests.

Other technologies, including data we store on your web browser or device, identifiers associated with your device and other software are used for similar purposes. In this policy, we refer to all of these technologies as “cookies.”

Cookies can be classified by their lifespan, the domain to which they belong and place of storage.

By lifespan, cookies are either:

  • session cookies which are erased when the user closes the browser – session cookies only last for as long as the session (usually the current visit to a website or a browser session).
  • persistent cookies which remain on the user’s computer/device for a pre-defined period of time (unless deleted by the user before the expiry date). Persistent cookies help us to recognise you, so it’s easier to return to our Website or interact with our service without having to sign in or change your settings every time. After you sign in, a persistent cookie stays in your browser and will be read again when you return to our site.

As for the domain to which it belongs, there are either:

  • first-party cookies which are set by the web server of the visited page and share the same domain or
  • third-party cookies stored by a different domain to the visited page’s domain. This can happen when the webpage references a file, such as JavaScript, located outside of its’ domain.

Taking into account where cookies are stored, there are:

  • browser cookies that are sent by a website and stored on the user’s browser. Browser cookies store less than Flash cookies and only the browser where the cookies are stored may access them.
  • flash cookies are known as local shared objects and they are different from browser cookies because of the amount, type and manner in which the data is stored. They are stored outside of the browser and they may be accessed by multiple browser on same computer.

To find out more about cookies, visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org.

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Which cookies do we use and what is their purpose?

We use all types of cookies that are explained above. A detailed description of our cookies, their functions and sources can be found below.

Essential cookies

Essential cookies are necessary for our website to work effectively. They help make the website usable by enabling basic functionalities like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. This type of cookies may be used to protect and accelerate our website by automatically optimising the delivery of our content. This is how you get the fastest page load times and best performance. Also, essential cookies may be used for security reasons and to identify our trusted visitors. They may filter bots and distinguish them from legitimate users, preventing any form of spam activity on our website.

These cookies do not correspond to any user ID in our web application, nor do the cookies store any personally identifiable information. We advise you not to switch off these cookies. If you set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, please be aware that after doing so, some parts of the webpage may not work.

Preference and functionality cookies

Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region that you are in. They may also be used to provide services you have asked for such as watching a video, commenting on a blog or using a live chat service.

Analytics cookies

Analytics cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously. We use different analytics cookies in order to analyse information about how our website is being used. Analytics cookies can process information about the number of visitors to the website, where visitors to the website came from, the pages they visit, scrolling activities, downloads, information about user agent, time spent on the website and approximate geo-location of a device that you use to access our website. We use this information to compile reports that help us to improve the website. Reports may be visually presented through heat maps and anonymised screen recordings. All data we process by use of this type of cookies are presented in an aggregated form and/or pseudonymised.

We mainly use analytics cookies provided by Google Analytics, Clicky, Hotjar, Visual Website Optimizer. However, please be aware that we may use analytics cookies provided by other companies which services we may also use for analytics and analytical purposes.

Marketing cookies

Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is to display advertisements that are relevant and engaging for the individual user.

For marketing purposes we may use various services including, but not limited to, Eloqua, AdForm, OneSignal and Verizon Media Ad Platforms. Marketing cookies are used to ensure these services are able to function. These cookies may also serve to personalise the way we communicate with you. If you consent to receive advertising material, marketing cookies help us to evaluate your personal preferences for specific content that we then use to deliver more personalised advertising material to you.

Please be aware that we may use marketing cookies provided by other companies. Also, third party cookies (see the section below) may be placed by our partners in order to promote their products. For example, third party promotional activities may include advertisements such as banners or interstitial ads.

We encourage you to visit www.youronlinechoices.eu in order to find more information about the way of advertising that we implement, and the choices offered in connection with the use of your data.

Third party cookies

Third parties may set cookies when you visit our Website. Sometimes that is because we have hired the third party to provide services on our behalf. In other cases, it is because our web pages contain advertisements from third parties, or content such as videos and news. Because your browser connects to those third parties’ web servers to retrieve that content, third parties are able to set or read their own cookies on your device and may collect information about your online activities across websites or online services. Finally, in some cases third party tracking cookies may also be necessary for the effective use of affiliate links and the performance of any affiliate agreements we have in place.

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How can I change my cookie settings?

You may at any time choose to disable some or all of the cookies. You have several ways to do disable cookies.

Opt-out from third party service we use

You can opt-out from being tracked by some of the third party service providers we mainly rely on, by the following instructions they provide:

Changing browser settings

The most used web browsers allow you to manage the majority of cookies through the browser’s settings. Keep in mind that if you limit the ability of websites to set cookies, you may worsen your overall user experience, since it (inter alia) will no longer be personalised to you.

If you still do not want to receive cookies from our Website, you can change your browser settings on a device you are using to access our services. Below you can find short instructions on how to disable cookies on the most popular Internet browsers. Also, you can find links to the cookie management section for the most popular Internet browsers. Please carefully read the following instructions:

  • Internet Explorer: Click on the Tools button, then on Internet Options. In the General tab, choose Browsing history, click on Settings. Then click Select files and select the Cookie(s) you wish to disable. Then close the window containing the list of Cookies and click twice on OK to return to internet. More instructions available here.
  • Firefox browser: Click on the Firefox Menu icon, then on the Tools button, then Options; in the window that appears, select Privacy and collect Remove Specific Cookies. Select the Cookies you wish to disable then remove them. More instructions available here.
  • Safari: click on the Settings button, then on Preferences. In the window that appears, choose Privacy/Security and click on Show Cookies. Select the Cookies you wish to disable then click on Delete or Delete All. More instructions available here.
  • Chrome: click on the Google Chrome menu, then Settings. At the bottom of the page, click on Advanced Settings. In the Privacy section, click on Content Settings. To disable cookies:
    • Select Block sites from storing any data;
    • Click on Cookies and site data then move the mouse over the website which created the Cookie, and click on X in the right corner, or click on Remove All.

    More information available here.

  • Safari (mobile) – For more information please visit the following link.

For instructions on how to disable cookies on Internet browsers that are not given above, please consult the documentation that your browser manufacturer provides.

How to disable Flash cookies

Changing browser settings will not remove Flash cookies. If you would like to disable Flash cookies, you can get the instructions here. If you disable Flash cookies, you will not have access to many features that make your experience more efficient and some of our services will not function properly.

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Variation clause

It may be necessary to amend this Cookie Policy at times based on changing technical and business needs or to comply with legislative or regulatory requirements of EU Data Protection Law.

Essential modifications are those that affect your rights and state with regard to the protection and processing of your personal data. The essential modifications may include, but are not limited to, launch of new services, deployment of new technologies and processing your data for new purposes. Therefore, if we make essential modifications to this Cookie Policy, we will send you notice through our Services, or by other means, and give you the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective. You will be asked to consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the updated Policy. If you do not consent to this, you may not be able to use your account and services available for registered users.

In addition, from time to time we may make minor modifications to our Cookie Policy. These types of modifications may include, but are not limited to, organisational and grammatical changes in order to make this policy easier to read. The fact that you continue to use our services after we publish the updated Cookie Policy with only minor modifications means that the processing of your personal data is subject to the updated Cookie Policy with only minor modifications.

We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on cookie use.

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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we treat your personal data that may be collected by visiting this website. It does not apply to data processing that occurs on other websites. The owner of the website (‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’) is:

This Privacy Policy was designed to inform customers and this website’s visitors (‘you’) about how their personal data is gathered, used, stored or otherwise processed while browsing this website.

This Privacy Policy is effective from the 1st of March 2021.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this Policy from time to time if we find it necessary, therefore we suggest that you review it on a regular basis.

There may be two types of modifications that can take place: essential and/or minor.

Essential modifications may occur when we change the way of processing your data. This modification may affect your rights and obligations regarding the processing of your personal data (e.g. if we apply new services to our website that significantly impact the way we process your data). Minor modifications have no impact on your rights and obligations regarding the processing of your personal data (e.g. linguistic corrections or improvements, new fonts or styles)

We will inform you about any essential changes in advance, so that you have enough time to understand and consider the changes before they come into effect.

Personal data

While visiting our website, we may process two types of your data:

Electronic identification data such as your IP address, the operating system you use on your device, unique device identifiers and mobile network information, device location, the browser type you used to visit our website and the date and time of access to our website.

Data about your habits, namely your interactions with websites of our partners (if you have visited any of our partner’s websites, if you registered on any of our partner’s websites or if you took part in gaming activities after visiting any of our partner’s websites). This kind of data is processed on an aggregated level and it cannot be linked to your identity.

To process the above mentioned data we use cookies and similar technologies. This enables the improvement of our site functionalities, promotion of our products and delivery of content from third parties. To find out more about the cookies that we use on our site, please read our Cookie Policy.

The legal basis and purposes for data processing

The legitimate interest for processing your personal data lies in improving our product’s effectiveness and our service in general. We use this kind of data to measure the current effectiveness of the advertising campaigns that are implemented on our site. Moreover, generated information that was collected during your visit to our website is also used to improve your overall user experience, to develop and improve content on our website, secure and maintain website functionality and prevent potential threats.

We use the information about your IP address mostly for analytical reasons, such as to calculate how many visitors from specific countries /regions visit our website. To present the relevant content to you, we also need to determine an approximate location of your device (e.g. this is how we provide you with content in the language you use).

For the statistical purpose, we may process data about your activities taken on our partnered websites, which is important for the legitimate purpose of calculating our revenue. This sort of information about you is grouped with other similar data to helps us create statistics about the use of our service.

Data subject and data controller

Processing of personal data that may occur on this website is about you and your personal data. Therefore, you are in the position of a data subject, under the relevant EU Data Protection Law, namely General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’). As a data subject you are entitled to exercise rights that are guaranteed by the GDPR, which is explained in the section below.

We are considered as a data controller, as defined under the GDPR. Being a data controller creates an obligation to protect your data with the greatest caution and in accordance with relevant data protection laws.

  • Your rights under the GDPR

  • To withdraw previously given consent to data processing

  • To access your personal data that we hold or process

  • To request correction of any personal data that is incorrect or out of date

  • To request deletion of your personal data that we store

  • To object to our use and processing of your personal data

  • To request limitation of our use and processing of your personal data

  • To demand portability of your personal data

  • To lodge a complaint with the relevant Data Protection Authority if you think that your rights are being violated


For more information on these rights, or if you want to send us the request concerning your rights, you can contact us at

You may also contact Danish Data Protection Agency: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, DK-1300 Copenhagen K.

Data protection

Keeping your data up to date and secure is our high priority when it comes to data protection. We are committed to using appropriate technical and organisational measures to make sure that your personal data is safe and well protected against accidental loss, theft, unauthorised access or use, breaches or any other potential illegal activity.

Another method that we use to protect your data is access control. Only authorised and trained staff have access to your personal data that we store, which is necessary for the performance of their job.

Third party recipients

It is possible that your data will be shared with entities who help us improve and develop our products and services (e.g., marketing, advertising, analytics, development, security). Therefore, it may be necessary that they process your personal data to perform the tasks on our behalf.

As it is defined under the GDPR, those third parties are to be considered as data processors. Data processors are involved in the processing activities on the basis of relevant data protection agreements, which are created to make sure that your personal data is safe and secure.

It is also possible that we may share your personal data with public authorities and law enforcement bodies if we are required or legally obliged to do so.

Your data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)

When and if your personal data is transferred outside of the EEA, we will make sure that all appropriate measures are taken to provide an adequate level of data protection as the applicable data protection law defines it.

Your personal data may be transferred to a:


  • Recipient based in a country that is considered to have an adequate level of data protection, according to the European Commission. A list of countries with an adequate level of data protection can be found here
  • Recipient based in a country that does not provide an adequate level of data protection, according to European Commission. In this situation we will enter into a Data Protection Agreement with the recipient, that will include Standard Contractual Clauses issued by the European Commission. This would oblige the recipient to provide a level of security and data protection equal to that required by the GDPR

Privacy Statement


This Privacy Statement is essential for our website visitors (‘you’) to better understand how we may process your personal data obtained through the use of this website. We advise you to read carefully every section of this Privacy Statement to inform yourself about how we use or otherwise process your personal data.

Personal data is any information about you that can possibly identify you as a natural person. This Privacy Statement  does not apply to the processing that may occur on any other website but this one. The owner of this website (‘we’, ‘us’ , ‘our’) is:

This Privacy Statement is valid from the 1st of March 2021, but it may be updated or modified from time to time. If an essential change or update occurs this may affect your rights and obligations regarding the processing of your personal data. When this takes place, you will be notified in advance so that you can review the changes before they come into effect. (e.g. if we rely on new purposes for data processing, launch new services or develop new technologies that significantly impact the way we process your data).

Data we process

When you visit our website, we are processing (or may process) some of your personal data that we gather through cookies or similar technologies. We may collect two categories of personal data:

Electronic identification data

Information about the time and date of when you access our website, your IP address and the browser type and version on your device, operating system you use, unique device identifiers and information about your network provider.

Data of your interaction with our partnered websites

Information about your interactions with our partnered websites – whether you visit, register or take part in gaming activities on any of websites of our partners. This information is processed on an aggregated level (together with similar information gathered from other users), and it cannot be linked to your identity.

Why we process your data (Legal basis)

Our legal basis for processing your personal data is the legitimate interest of improving our products and services. We process your personal data to provide our services to you, to enhance your overall user experience, to further develop, secure and maintain regular functionality of our website and to prevent threats that may occur.

We process the IP address of the device you use in order to enable communication between your device and our server, as well as to determine your approximate geolocation which may be further used for service customisation (for instance to provide appropriate content for your language of choice and gambling-related content that is legal in your country). We also use this information for analytical purposes (for example to calculate how many visitors from specific countries/regions come to our website).

The processing of information about the browser and operating system you use is necessary to ensure the regular provision of our services to you. Also, we may need this type of data to solve technical problems if they emerge.

We may also process data about your activities taken on our partners’ websites. This type of information is grouped with other similar data to help us create statistics about the use of our services. This is important for the legitimate purpose of calculating our revenue.

How we use cookies

When you visit our website, your browser will receive cookies from us. By using cookies, we wish to provide the best possible on-site experience to all of our website visitors. The use of cookies enables the improvement of website functionalities, promotion of our products and delivering the content from third parties. For further information about how we use cookies, please read our Cookie Policy.

How we protect your data

We regularly make sure that your data is kept up to date and stored securely. In order to achieve that we apply different technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your personal data against accidental or unlawful loss, alteration, theft, unauthorised disclosure or access, unauthorised use, potential data breaches and against all other unlawful forms of data processing.

Based on business needs and security requirements we apply restrictions of access control to your personal data. Access to your personal data is only granted to trained staff with authorisation, whose knowledge and skills are necessary to process personal data we gather adequately.

Data subject and data controller

As a visitor to our website, it is important for you to better understand your role under the relevant Data Protection Laws, namely the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’). Since personal data processing that might occur on this website is about your personal data, you are considered to be a data subject. Being the data subject, you are entitled to exercise certain human rights guaranteed by the relevant EU Data Protection Laws and explained in this Privacy Statement.

According to the GDPR, data controller is the entity that determines the purposes, conditions, and means of the processing of personal data. Taking into account that we have control over your personal data (we define the purpose and means of data processing), we are to be considered as data controllers. Being a data controller provides us with the opportunity to process your personal data, but also obliges us to protect it in the way regulated by the relevant data protection legislation.

Your rights

  • Right to access: You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information that we hold
  • Right to rectification: You have the right to request correction or deletion of your personal data that you find inaccurate
  • Right to be forgotten: Also known as the Right to erasure, entitles you to request for us to erase your personal data that we hold. It can happen in various cases: when the data is no longer needed for the purposes it was collected; when you have withdrawn consent and there is no other lawful basis on which we can continue to process it; when you objected to processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds to continue; when the data has been unlawfully processed or when the data has to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation
  • Right to restrict processing: You have the right, under limited circumstances, to request that we limit our use and processing of your personal data
  • Right to object to processing: You have the right, under limited circumstances, to object to our processing of your personal data
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to request the transmission of your personal data that we process to another entity, without hindrance from us, if such transmission is technically feasible
  • Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time where we rely on it to process your personal information, without giving any reason to us
  • Right to lodge a complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint within your local or Danish Data Protection Authority if you feel that your rights are in violation. If you feel that your personal data rights have been breached or in case you have any question or doubts regarding the processing of your personal data on this website, or if you want to send us the request concerning your rights, you can contact us on

As we are established in Denmark you may choose to contact the Danish Data Protection Agency – Address: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, DK-1300 Copenhagen K;

Third party recipients that we share your data with

We may need to share your personal data with third-party entities. These entities help us to regularly provide and further develop our services (e.g. analytics, maintenance, marketing, development, functionality improvement). As defined under the GDPR, those third parties are to be considered as data processors. Data processors are involved in the processing of your personal data on the basis of relevant data protection agreements, which are created to make sure that your personal data is safe and secure.

Your personal data may be shared with public authorities and law enforcement agencies where it is necessary to do so and where we are legally required or permitted to do so.

Transferring to recipients from Third countries

If we transfer your personal data to a recipient registered in a ‘Third country’ (outside the European Economic Area), we will ensure that your data is transferred adequately and securely, in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Laws.

There are three categories of third-country recipients that your data may be transferred to:


  • A recipient from a country which is considered to have an adequate level of data protection, approved by the European Commision. A list of countries that provide an adequate level of data protection is available here.
  • A recipient from a country that does not have an adequate level of data protection, according to the European Commision. In this case, we will use contracts (Data Protection Agreements) that require the recipient to protect your personal data using the same standards as it would be within the EEA and implement appropriate safeguards as defined by the applicable data protection law, and particularly the GDPR.

Privacy Notice

With this Privacy Notice, we wish to inform all website visitors (‘you’) what personal information we collect when you come to this website, as well as how we use and process this information. This Privacy Notice applies only on the processing of personal data gathered on this website and not to data processing that occurs on other websites. This website is owned by:

Types of personal data we collect

When you visit our website we may process two types of personal data concerning you:

  • Your electronic identification data and the information about your interaction with our partnered websites. Electronic identification data includes the time and date of access to our website, your IP address and browser that you used to access our website, operating system you are currently using, unique device identifiers and information about your mobile network.
  • Your interaction with our partnered websites includes information about whether you visit, register or participate in gaming activities on any of the websites of our partners. It is important to note that we are processing this information on an aggregated level and it cannot be traced back to you.

To process the above data cookies and similar technologies are used. To find out more about how we use cookies, you can read our Cookie Policy.

The lawful basis for processing of your personal data

The processing of your personal data serves the legitimate interest of improving our products and services for the purpose of:

  • Measuring and improving the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns that are implemented on our website
  • Enhancing your overall user experience
  • Developing content on our website
  • Securing and maintaining website functionality
  • Preventing any potential threats
  • Calculating our revenue
  • Website analytics and statistics

Data subject and data controller

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) data subject is defined as ‘identified or identifiable natural persons’. Since personal data processing that might occur on our website is about your personal data, you are considered to be a data subject. Therefore, you can exercise your rights which are granted by the GDPR.

Data controller is the natural or legal person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons) determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal information are, or are to be, processed. For the purpose of this Privacy Notice, since we determine the purpose and means of the processing of your personal data on this website, we are considered to be a data controller over your personal data. Being a data controller creates an obligation to protect your data with utmost caution and in accordance with relevant data protection laws.

Your Data Protection Rights Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • Accessing, updating or deleting the information we have on you: Whenever appropriate, you can request access, update or deletion of your personal data that we control
  • The right to object: You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data
  • The right of restriction: You have the right to request that we restrict or limit the processing of your personal data
  • The right to data portability: You have the right to be provided with a copy of the information we have on you in a structured, machine-readable and commonly used format
  • The right to withdraw consent: You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time where we rely on your consent to process your personal data
  • The right to lodge a complaint: Lodge a complaint with your local or Danish data protection authority if you feel that your above-listed rights have been violated. Danish Data Protection Agency: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, DK-1300 Copenhagen K


If at any point you have any questions about the processing of your personal data on this website, or if you want to send us the request concerning your rights, please email us at

Data protection

It is of great importance that we keep your data secure and this is something that we are firmly committed to. We apply appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your personal data against accidental or unlawful loss, theft, alteration, unauthorised disclosure, access or use and against all other unlawful forms of processing.

Furthermore, to make sure that your data is well protected, we control who has access to your personal data. Only authorised and appropriately trained staff can access your personal data to fulfill their work obligations.

Third party recipients

Your personal data may be shared with entities who help us provide and further develop our services (e.g. analytics, development, marketing). Out of necessity, they will process your personal data to perform tasks we delegate to them. Under the GDPR, third parties who process your data assume the role of data processors. They are involved in processing activities according to relevant data protection agreements which are tailored to secure your data. We will take all necessary steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Notice and no transfer of your personal data will take place to an organisation or a country unless there are adequate controls in place, including the security of your personal data.

When and if obliged to do so, we may share your data with public authorities and law enforcement bodies.

Transferring your data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)

As it was mentioned in the previous section, If we transfer your personal data outside of the EEA we will ensure an adequate level of data protection is in place, as defined by the applicable data protection laws.

Countries and recipients that your personal data may be transferred to are:

  • A state which is considered to have an adequate level of data protection as approved by the European Commision. You may find out more about states with the adequate level of protection here.

  • A recipient in a country that does not have an adequate level of data protection according to the European Commision. In this case, we will use contracts that require the recipient to protect your personal data to the same standards as it would be within the EEA and implement appropriate safeguards as required by the GDPR, regarding the processing of your personal data.

Changes to the Privacy Notice

It is possible that this Notice will be modified or updated in the future.

The update may contain essential or minor modifications. Essential modifications may affect your rights and obligations regarding the processing of your personal data (e.g. if we develop a new purpose of processing and install new service to our website). On the other hand, minor modifications may occur when we have to make grammatical corrections or linguistic changes, but these will have no impact on your rights and obligations regarding the processing of personal data.

If essential modifications occur, you will be properly notified in advance, so that you can take the time to review the changes before the updates are enforced.

This Privacy Notice is valid from the 1st of March 2021.


Creemos en ser transparentes con nuestros usuarios sobre cómo recopilamos y usamos sus datos. Para obtener más información sobre esto y sobre nosotros como controlador de datos, puede leer nuestra Política de privacidad.

Esta Política de Cookies tiene como objetivo dejar en claro para los usuarios del sitio web (“usted”) cómo, cuándo y por qué usamos las cookies.

Para obtener información sobre cómo eliminar o bloquear las cookies, por favor consulte la sección en la parte inferior ¿Cómo puedo cambiar la configuración de mis cookies? abajo. Sin embargo, antes de tomar alguna medida con respecto a las cookies, le recomendamos encarecidamente que lea esta política.

¿Qué información puede encontrar en esta política?

Nuestro uso de las cookies

Sobre cookies

¿Qué cookies usamos y cuál es su propósito?

Cookies esenciales

Cookies de preferencia y su funcionalidad

Cookies Analíticas

Cookies de Márketing

Cookies de terceros

¿Cómo puedo cambiar la configuración de mis cookies?

Exclusión del servicio de terceros que utilizamos

Cambiar la configuración del navegador

Como deshabilitar las cookies flash

Cláusula de Variación

Nuestro uso de las cookies

Cualquier navegador que visite nuestro sitio web recibirá nuestras cookies. En la medida en que las cookies que utilizamos no son estrictamente necesarias para la provisión de un sitio web, le pediremos que acepte el uso de las cookies la primera vez que visite nuestro sitio web.

Usamos las cookies en nuestro sitio web porque deseamos a todos nuestros usuarios que tengan la mejor experiencia posible en el sitio. La información proporcionada a través de las cookies permite optimizar su experiencia en .

Las cookies normalmente no contienen ninguna información que identifique personalmente a un usuario, pero la información personal que almacenamos sobre usted puede estar vinculada a la información almacenada y obtenida de las cookies. En nuestra Política de privacidad, puede obtener más información sobre los datos personales que se están procesando acerca de nuestros usuarios.

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Sobre cookies

Las cookies son pequeños archivos de texto que los sitios web que usted visita colocan en su dispositivo. Permiten que el sitio web recuerde sus acciones y preferencias (como inicio de sesión, el idioma, tamaño de fuente y otras preferencias de visualización) durante un período de tiempo, para que no tenga que volver a ingresarlas cada vez que regrese al sitio o navegar de una página a otra. El uso de cookies le ayuda a navegar entre las páginas de manera eficiente, ayuda a recordar sus preferencias y a mejorar su experiencia de navegación de otras maneras. Las cookies también pueden ayudar a garantizar que la publicidad que ve online sea más relevante para usted y sus intereses.

Otras tecnologías, incluidos los datos que almacenamos en su navegador o dispositivo web, los identificadores asociados con su dispositivo y otro software, se utilizan para fines similares. En esta política, nos referimos a todas estas tecnologías como “cookies”.

Las cookies se pueden clasificar por su vida útil, el dominio al que pertenecen y el lugar de almacenamiento.

En cuanto a su vida útil, existen:

  • Cookies de sesión que se borran cuando el usuario cierra el navegador – las cookies de sesión solo duran tanto tiempo como la sesión (por lo general, la visita actual a un sitio web o una sesión del navegador).
  • Cookies persistentes que permanecen en el ordenador / dispositivo del usuario durante un período de tiempo predefinido (a menos que el usuario las elimine antes de la fecha de caducidad). Las cookies persistentes nos ayudan a reconocerlo, por lo que es más fácil regresar a nuestro sitio web o interactuar con nuestro servicio sin tener que iniciar sesión o cambiar su configuración cada vez. Después de iniciar sesión, una cookie persistente permanece en su navegador y se volverá a leer cuando regrese a nuestro sitio.

En cuanto al dominio al que pertenece, existen:

  • Cookies de primera parte establecidas por el servidor web de la página visitada y que comparten el mismo dominio o
  • Cookies de terceros almacenadas por un dominio diferente al dominio de la página visitada. Esto puede suceder cuando la página web hace referencia a un archivo, como JavaScript, que se encuentra fuera de su dominio.

Tomando en cuenta dónde se almacenan las cookies, hay:

  • Cookies del navegador que son enviadas por un sitio web y almacenadas en el navegador del usuario. Las cookies del navegador almacenan menos que las Flash y solo el navegador donde están almacenadas las cookies puede acceder a ellas.
  • Las cookies Flash se conocen como objetos locales compartidos, y son diferentes de las cookies del navegador debido a la cantidad, el tipo y la forma en que se almacenan los datos. Se almacenan fuera del navegador y pueden acceder a ellos desde múltiples navegadores en el propio ordenador.

Para obtener más información sobre las cookies, visite www.aboutcookies.org o www.allaboutcookies.org.

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¿Qué cookies usamos y cuál es su propósito?

Usamos todo tipo de cookies que se explicaron anteriormente. Una descripción detallada de nuestras cookies, sus funciones y fuentes se puede encontrar a continuación.

Cookies esenciales

Las cookies esenciales son necesarias para que nuestro sitio web funcione de manera efectiva. Ayudan a que el sitio web sea utilizable al habilitar funcionalidades básicas como la navegación de página y el acceso a áreas seguras del sitio web. Este tipo de cookies se pueden usar para proteger y acelerar nuestro sitio web mediante la optimización automática de la entrega de nuestro contenido. Así es como obtiene los tiempos de carga de página más rápidos y el mejor rendimiento. Además, las cookies esenciales pueden ser utilizadas por razones de seguridad e identificar a nuestros visitantes de confianza. Podrían filtrar bots y distinguirlos de usuarios legítimos, evitando cualquier forma de actividad de spam en nuestro sitio web.

Estas cookies no corresponden con ninguna ID de usuario en nuestra aplicación web, y las cookies tampoco almacenan ninguna información de identificación personal. Le recomendamos que no apague estas cookies. Si configura su navegador para que bloquee o alerte estas cookies, tenga en cuenta que, una vez hecho esto, es posible que algunas partes de la página web no funcionen.

Cookies de preferencia y su funcionalidad

Las cookies de preferencia permiten a un sitio web recordar información que cambia la forma en que se comporta o se ve el sitio web, como su idioma preferido o la región en la que se encuentra. También se pueden usar para proporcionar servicios que ha solicitado, como ver un video, comentar en un blog o usar el servicio de chat en vivo.

Cookies Analíticas

Las cookies analíticas ayudan a los propietarios de sitios web a comprender cómo los visitantes interactúan con los sitios web al recopilar y reportar información de forma anónima. Utilizamos diferentes cookies analíticas para analizar información sobre cómo se está utilizando nuestro sitio web. Las cookies analíticas pueden procesar información sobre el número de visitantes en el sitio web, de dónde vinieron al sitio web, las páginas que visitan, actividades de desplazamiento, descargas, información sobre el agente de usuario, tiempo pasado en el sitio web o la ubicación geográfica aproximada de un dispositivo que utiliza para acceder a nuestro sitio web. Usamos esta información para compilar informes que nos ayudan a mejorar el sitio web. Los informes pueden presentarse visualmente a través de mapas de calor y grabaciones de pantalla anónimas. Todos los datos que procesamos mediante el uso de este tipo de cookies se presentan en forma agregada y / o pseudonimizados.

Principalmente utilizamos cookies estadísticas provistas por Google Analytics, Clicky, Hotjar, Visual Website Optimizer. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que podemos utilizar cookies analíticas proporcionadas por otras compañías, servicios que también podríamos utilizar con fines estadísticos y analíticos.

Cookies de Márketing

Las cookies de marketing se utilizan para realizar un seguimiento de los visitantes en los sitios web. La intención es mostrar anuncios que sean relevantes y atractivos para el usuario individual.

Para fines de márketing, podemos utilizar varios servicios, incluyendo Eloqua, Verizon Media Ad Platforms, OneSignal y Adform en nuestro sitio web, entre otros. Las cookies de marketing se utilizan para garantizar que estos servicios puedan funcionar. Estas cookies sirven para personalizar la forma en que nos comunicamos con usted. Si ha iniciado sesión en el sitio web y acepta recibir material publicitario, las cookies de Eloqua nos ayudan a evaluar sus preferencias personales hacia el contenido específico que seguimos utilizando para enviarle material publicitario que corresponda a sus preferencias.

Tenga en cuenta que podemos utilizar cookies de marketing proporcionadas por otras empresas. Además, nuestros socios pueden colocar cookies de terceros (consulte la sección a continuación) para promocionar sus productos. Por ejemplo, las actividades promocionales de terceros pueden incluir anuncios como banners o anuncios intersticiales.

Le recomendamos que visite www.youronlinechoices.eu para obtener más información sobre la forma de publicidad que implementamos y las opciones que se ofrecen en relación con el uso de sus datos.

Cookies de terceros

Los terceros pueden configurar cookies cuando visite nuestro sitio web. A veces eso se debe a que hemos contratado a un tercero para que brinde servicios en nuestro nombre. En otros casos, es porque nuestras páginas web contienen contenido o anuncios de terceros, como videos y noticias. Debido a que su navegador se conecta a los servidores web de esos terceros para recuperar ese contenido, los terceros pueden configurar o leer sus propias cookies en su dispositivo y pueden recopilar información sobre sus actividades en línea en sitios web o servicios en línea.Finalmente, en algunos casos, las tracking cookies de terceros también pueden ser necesarias para el uso efectivo de enlaces de afiliados y el cumplimiento de cualquier acuerdo de afiliación que tengamos.

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¿Cómo puedo cambiar la configuración de mis cookies?

En cualquier momento puede optar por desactivar algunas o todas las cookies. Usted tiene varias formas que puede usar para desactivar las cookies.

Exclusión del servicio de terceros que utilizamos

Puede optar por no ser rastreado por algunos de los proveedores de servicios de terceros en los que confiamos principalmente, mediante las siguientes instrucciones que brindan:

Cambiar la configuración del navegador

Los navegadores web más utilizados le permiten administrar la mayoría de las cookies a través de la configuración del navegador. Tenga en cuenta que si limita la capacidad de los sitios web para establecer cookies, puede empeorar la experiencia general del usuario, ya que (entre otras cosas) ya no será personalizada para usted.

Si aún no desea recibir cookies de nuestro sitio web, puede cambiar la configuración de su navegador en un dispositivo que esté utilizando para acceder a nuestros servicios. A continuación puede encontrar instrucciones breves sobre cómo desactivar las cookies en los buscadores de Internet más populares. Además, puede encontrar enlaces a la sección de administración de cookies para los buscadores de Internet más populares. Por favor, lea con mucha atención las siguientes instrucciones:

  • Internet Explorer: haga clic en el botón Herramientas y luego en Opciones de Internet. En la pestaña General, elija Historial de navegación, haga clic en Configuración. A continuación, haga clic en Seleccionar archivos y seleccione las cookies que desea desactivar. A continuación, cierre la ventana que contiene la lista de cookies y haga clic dos veces en Aceptar para volver a Internet. Más instrucciones disponibles aquí.
  • Firefox: haz clic en el ícono del Menú de Firefox, luego en el botón Herramientas, luego en Opciones; en la ventana que aparece, seleccione Privacidad y recopile Eliminar cookies específicas. Seleccione las Cookies que desea desactivar y luego elimínelas. Más instrucciones disponibles aquí.
  • Safari: haz clic en el botón Configuración y luego en Preferencias. En la ventana que aparece, elija Privacidad / Seguridad y haga clic en Mostrar cookies. Seleccione las cookies que desea desactivar y luego haga clic en Eliminar o Eliminar todo. Más instrucciones disponibles aquí.
  • Chrome: haz clic en el menú de Google Chrome y luego en Configuración. En la parte inferior de la página, haz clic en Configuración avanzada. En la sección Privacidad, haga clic en Configuración de contenido. Para deshabilitar las cookies:
    • Seleccione Bloquear sitios para almacenar cualquier tipo de información;
    • Haga clic en Cookies y datos del sitio, luego mueva el mouse sobre el sitio web que creó la Cookie y haga clic en X en la esquina derecha, o haga clic en Eliminar todo.
    • Más información disponible aquí.
    • Safari ( móvil ): Para obtener más información, por favor visite el siguiente enlace.

    Para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo deshabilitar las cookies en los navegadores de Internet que no se mencionan arriba, consulte la documentación que proporciona el fabricante de su navegador.

    Cómo deshabilitar las cookies flash

    Cambiar la configuración del navegador no eliminará las cookies de Flash. Si desea deshabilitar las cookies de Flash, puede obtener las instrucciones aquí. Si desactiva las cookies de Flash, no tendrá acceso a muchas características que hacen que su experiencia sea más eficiente y algunos de nuestros servicios no funcionarán correctamente.

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    Cláusula de variación

    Puede ser necesario enmendar esta Política de Cookies a veces en función de las cambiantes necesidades técnicas y comerciales o para cumplir con los requisitos legislativos o reglamentarios de la Ley de Protección de Datos de la UE.

    Las modificaciones esenciales son aquellas que afectan sus derechos y estado con respecto a la protección y el procesamiento de sus datos personales. Las modificaciones esenciales pueden incluir (entre otras) lanzamiento de nuevos servicios, implementación de nuevas tecnologías y procesamiento de sus datos para nuevos propósitos. Por lo tanto, si realizamos modificaciones esenciales a esta Política de Cookies, le enviaremos un aviso a través de nuestros Servicios, o por otros medios, y le daremos la oportunidad de revisar los cambios antes de que entren en vigencia. Se le solicitará que acepte el procesamiento de sus datos personales de acuerdo con la Política de privacidad actualizada. Si no da su consentimiento, es posible que no pueda usar su cuenta y los servicios disponibles para los usuarios registrados.

    Además, de vez en cuando hacemos modificaciones menores a nuestra Política de cookies. Este tipo de modificaciones pueden incluir (pero no están limitadas a) cambios organizativos y gramaticales para que la política sea más fácil de leer. El hecho de que continúe utilizando nuestros Servicios después de que publiquemos la Política de Cookies actualizada con sólo modificaciones menores significa que el procesamiento de sus datos personales está sujeto a la Política de Cookies actualizada con sólo modificaciones menores.

    Le recomendamos que revise periódicamente esta página para obtener la información más reciente sobre el uso de cookies.

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Privacy Statement


This Privacy Statement is essential for our website visitors (‘you’) to better understand how we may process your personal data obtained through the use of this website. We advise you to read carefully every section of this Privacy Statement to inform yourself about how we use or otherwise process your personal data.

Personal data is any information about you that can possibly identify you as a natural person. This Privacy Statement  does not apply to the processing that may occur on any other website but this one. The owner of this website (‘we’, ‘us’ , ‘our’) is:

This Privacy Statement is valid from the 1st of March 2021, but it may be updated or modified from time to time. If an essential change or update occurs this may affect your rights and obligations regarding the processing of your personal data. When this takes place, you will be notified in advance so that you can review the changes before they come into effect. (e.g. if we rely on new purposes for data processing, launch new services or develop new technologies that significantly impact the way we process your data).

Data we process

When you visit our website, we are processing (or may process) some of your personal data that we gather through cookies or similar technologies. We may collect two categories of personal data:

Electronic identification data

Information about the time and date of when you access our website, your IP address and the browser type and version on your device, operating system you use, unique device identifiers and information about your network provider.

Data of your interaction with our partnered websites

Information about your interactions with our partnered websites – whether you visit, register or take part in gaming activities on any of websites of our partners. This information is processed on an aggregated level (together with similar information gathered from other users), and it cannot be linked to your identity.

Why we process your data (Legal basis)

Our legal basis for processing your personal data is the legitimate interest of improving our products and services. We process your personal data to provide our services to you, to enhance your overall user experience, to further develop, secure and maintain regular functionality of our website and to prevent threats that may occur.

We process the IP address of the device you use in order to enable communication between your device and our server, as well as to determine your approximate geolocation which may be further used for service customisation (for instance to provide appropriate content for your language of choice and gambling-related content that is legal in your country). We also use this information for analytical purposes (for example to calculate how many visitors from specific countries/regions come to our website).

The processing of information about the browser and operating system you use is necessary to ensure the regular provision of our services to you. Also, we may need this type of data to solve technical problems if they emerge.

We may also process data about your activities taken on our partners’ websites. This type of information is grouped with other similar data to help us create statistics about the use of our services. This is important for the legitimate purpose of calculating our revenue.

How we use cookies

When you visit our website, your browser will receive cookies from us. By using cookies, we wish to provide the best possible on-site experience to all of our website visitors. The use of cookies enables the improvement of website functionalities, promotion of our products and delivering the content from third parties. For further information about how we use cookies, please read our Cookie Policy.

How we protect your data

We regularly make sure that your data is kept up to date and stored securely. In order to achieve that we apply different technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your personal data against accidental or unlawful loss, alteration, theft, unauthorised disclosure or access, unauthorised use, potential data breaches and against all other unlawful forms of data processing.

Based on business needs and security requirements we apply restrictions of access control to your personal data. Access to your personal data is only granted to trained staff with authorisation, whose knowledge and skills are necessary to process personal data we gather adequately.

Data subject and data controller

As a visitor to our website, it is important for you to better understand your role under the relevant Data Protection Laws, namely the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’). Since personal data processing that might occur on this website is about your personal data, you are considered to be a data subject. Being the data subject, you are entitled to exercise certain human rights guaranteed by the relevant EU Data Protection Laws and explained in this Privacy Statement.

According to the GDPR, data controller is the entity that determines the purposes, conditions, and means of the processing of personal data. Taking into account that we have control over your personal data (we define the purpose and means of data processing), we are to be considered as data controllers. Being a data controller provides us with the opportunity to process your personal data, but also obliges us to protect it in the way regulated by the relevant data protection legislation.

Your rights

  • Right to access: You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information that we hold
  • Right to rectification: You have the right to request correction or deletion of your personal data that you find inaccurate
  • Right to be forgotten: Also known as the Right to erasure, entitles you to request for us to erase your personal data that we hold. It can happen in various cases: when the data is no longer needed for the purposes it was collected; when you have withdrawn consent and there is no other lawful basis on which we can continue to process it; when you objected to processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds to continue; when the data has been unlawfully processed or when the data has to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation
  • Right to restrict processing: You have the right, under limited circumstances, to request that we limit our use and processing of your personal data
  • Right to object to processing: You have the right, under limited circumstances, to object to our processing of your personal data
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to request the transmission of your personal data that we process to another entity, without hindrance from us, if such transmission is technically feasible
  • Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time where we rely on it to process your personal information, without giving any reason to us
  • Right to lodge a complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint within your local or Danish Data Protection Authority if you feel that your rights are in violation. If you feel that your personal data rights have been breached or in case you have any question or doubts regarding the processing of your personal data on this website, or if you want to send us the request concerning your rights, you can contact us on

As we are established in Denmark you may choose to contact the Danish Data Protection Agency – Address: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, DK-1300 Copenhagen K;

Third party recipients that we share your data with

We may need to share your personal data with third-party entities. These entities help us to regularly provide and further develop our services (e.g. analytics, maintenance, marketing, development, functionality improvement). As defined under the GDPR, those third parties are to be considered as data processors. Data processors are involved in the processing of your personal data on the basis of relevant data protection agreements, which are created to make sure that your personal data is safe and secure.

Your personal data may be shared with public authorities and law enforcement agencies where it is necessary to do so and where we are legally required or permitted to do so.

Transferring to recipients from Third countries

If we transfer your personal data to a recipient registered in a ‘Third country’ (outside the European Economic Area), we will ensure that your data is transferred adequately and securely, in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Laws.

There are three categories of third-country recipients that your data may be transferred to:


  • A recipient from a country which is considered to have an adequate level of data protection, approved by the European Commision. A list of countries that provide an adequate level of data protection is available here.
  • A recipient from a country that does not have an adequate level of data protection, according to the European Commision. In this case, we will use contracts (Data Protection Agreements) that require the recipient to protect your personal data using the same standards as it would be within the EEA and implement appropriate safeguards as defined by the applicable data protection law, and particularly the GDPR.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we treat your personal data that may be collected by visiting this website. It does not apply to data processing that occurs on other websites. The owner of the website (‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’) is:

This Privacy Policy was designed to inform customers and this website’s visitors (‘you’) about how their personal data is gathered, used, stored or otherwise processed while browsing this website.

This Privacy Policy is effective from the 1st of March 2021.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this Policy from time to time if we find it necessary, therefore we suggest that you review it on a regular basis.

There may be two types of modifications that can take place: essential and/or minor.

Essential modifications may occur when we change the way of processing your data. This modification may affect your rights and obligations regarding the processing of your personal data (e.g. if we apply new services to our website that significantly impact the way we process your data). Minor modifications have no impact on your rights and obligations regarding the processing of your personal data (e.g. linguistic corrections or improvements, new fonts or styles)

We will inform you about any essential changes in advance, so that you have enough time to understand and consider the changes before they come into effect.

Personal data

While visiting our website, we may process two types of your data:

Electronic identification data such as your IP address, the operating system you use on your device, unique device identifiers and mobile network information, device location, the browser type you used to visit our website and the date and time of access to our website.

Data about your habits, namely your interactions with websites of our partners (if you have visited any of our partner’s websites, if you registered on any of our partner’s websites or if you took part in gaming activities after visiting any of our partner’s websites). This kind of data is processed on an aggregated level and it cannot be linked to your identity.

To process the above mentioned data we use cookies and similar technologies. This enables the improvement of our site functionalities, promotion of our products and delivery of content from third parties. To find out more about the cookies that we use on our site, please read our Cookie Policy.

The legal basis and purposes for data processing

The legitimate interest for processing your personal data lies in improving our product’s effectiveness and our service in general. We use this kind of data to measure the current effectiveness of the advertising campaigns that are implemented on our site. Moreover, generated information that was collected during your visit to our website is also used to improve your overall user experience, to develop and improve content on our website, secure and maintain website functionality and prevent potential threats.

We use the information about your IP address mostly for analytical reasons, such as to calculate how many visitors from specific countries /regions visit our website. To present the relevant content to you, we also need to determine an approximate location of your device (e.g. this is how we provide you with content in the language you use).

For the statistical purpose, we may process data about your activities taken on our partnered websites, which is important for the legitimate purpose of calculating our revenue. This sort of information about you is grouped with other similar data to helps us create statistics about the use of our service.

Data subject and data controller

Processing of personal data that may occur on this website is about you and your personal data. Therefore, you are in the position of a data subject, under the relevant EU Data Protection Law, namely General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’). As a data subject you are entitled to exercise rights that are guaranteed by the GDPR, which is explained in the section below.

We are considered as a data controller, as defined under the GDPR. Being a data controller creates an obligation to protect your data with the greatest caution and in accordance with relevant data protection laws.

  • Your rights under the GDPR

  • To withdraw previously given consent to data processing

  • To access your personal data that we hold or process

  • To request correction of any personal data that is incorrect or out of date

  • To request deletion of your personal data that we store

  • To object to our use and processing of your personal data

  • To request limitation of our use and processing of your personal data

  • To demand portability of your personal data

  • To lodge a complaint with the relevant Data Protection Authority if you think that your rights are being violated


For more information on these rights, or if you want to send us the request concerning your rights, you can contact us at

You may also contact Danish Data Protection Agency: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, DK-1300 Copenhagen K.

Data protection

Keeping your data up to date and secure is our high priority when it comes to data protection. We are committed to using appropriate technical and organisational measures to make sure that your personal data is safe and well protected against accidental loss, theft, unauthorised access or use, breaches or any other potential illegal activity.

Another method that we use to protect your data is access control. Only authorised and trained staff have access to your personal data that we store, which is necessary for the performance of their job.

Third party recipients

It is possible that your data will be shared with entities who help us improve and develop our products and services (e.g., marketing, advertising, analytics, development, security). Therefore, it may be necessary that they process your personal data to perform the tasks on our behalf.

As it is defined under the GDPR, those third parties are to be considered as data processors. Data processors are involved in the processing activities on the basis of relevant data protection agreements, which are created to make sure that your personal data is safe and secure.

It is also possible that we may share your personal data with public authorities and law enforcement bodies if we are required or legally obliged to do so.

Your data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)

When and if your personal data is transferred outside of the EEA, we will make sure that all appropriate measures are taken to provide an adequate level of data protection as the applicable data protection law defines it.

Your personal data may be transferred to a:


  • Recipient based in a country that is considered to have an adequate level of data protection, according to the European Commission. A list of countries with an adequate level of data protection can be found here
  • Recipient based in a country that does not provide an adequate level of data protection, according to European Commission. In this situation we will enter into a Data Protection Agreement with the recipient, that will include Standard Contractual Clauses issued by the European Commission. This would oblige the recipient to provide a level of security and data protection equal to that required by the GDPR

Privacy Notice

With this Privacy Notice, we wish to inform all website visitors (‘you’) what personal information we collect when you come to this website, as well as how we use and process this information. This Privacy Notice applies only on the processing of personal data gathered on this website and not to data processing that occurs on other websites. This website is owned by:

Types of personal data we collect

When you visit our website we may process two types of personal data concerning you:

  • Your electronic identification data and the information about your interaction with our partnered websites. Electronic identification data includes the time and date of access to our website, your IP address and browser that you used to access our website, operating system you are currently using, unique device identifiers and information about your mobile network.
  • Your interaction with our partnered websites includes information about whether you visit, register or participate in gaming activities on any of the websites of our partners. It is important to note that we are processing this information on an aggregated level and it cannot be traced back to you.

To process the above data cookies and similar technologies are used. To find out more about how we use cookies, you can read our Cookie Policy.

The lawful basis for processing of your personal data

The processing of your personal data serves the legitimate interest of improving our products and services for the purpose of:

  • Measuring and improving the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns that are implemented on our website
  • Enhancing your overall user experience
  • Developing content on our website
  • Securing and maintaining website functionality
  • Preventing any potential threats
  • Calculating our revenue
  • Website analytics and statistics

Data subject and data controller

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) data subject is defined as ‘identified or identifiable natural persons’. Since personal data processing that might occur on our website is about your personal data, you are considered to be a data subject. Therefore, you can exercise your rights which are granted by the GDPR.

Data controller is the natural or legal person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons) determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal information are, or are to be, processed. For the purpose of this Privacy Notice, since we determine the purpose and means of the processing of your personal data on this website, we are considered to be a data controller over your personal data. Being a data controller creates an obligation to protect your data with utmost caution and in accordance with relevant data protection laws.

Your Data Protection Rights Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • Accessing, updating or deleting the information we have on you: Whenever appropriate, you can request access, update or deletion of your personal data that we control
  • The right to object: You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data
  • The right of restriction: You have the right to request that we restrict or limit the processing of your personal data
  • The right to data portability: You have the right to be provided with a copy of the information we have on you in a structured, machine-readable and commonly used format
  • The right to withdraw consent: You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time where we rely on your consent to process your personal data
  • The right to lodge a complaint: Lodge a complaint with your local or Danish data protection authority if you feel that your above-listed rights have been violated. Danish Data Protection Agency: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, DK-1300 Copenhagen K


If at any point you have any questions about the processing of your personal data on this website, or if you want to send us the request concerning your rights, please email us at

Data protection

It is of great importance that we keep your data secure and this is something that we are firmly committed to. We apply appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your personal data against accidental or unlawful loss, theft, alteration, unauthorised disclosure, access or use and against all other unlawful forms of processing.

Furthermore, to make sure that your data is well protected, we control who has access to your personal data. Only authorised and appropriately trained staff can access your personal data to fulfill their work obligations.

Third party recipients

Your personal data may be shared with entities who help us provide and further develop our services (e.g. analytics, development, marketing). Out of necessity, they will process your personal data to perform tasks we delegate to them. Under the GDPR, third parties who process your data assume the role of data processors. They are involved in processing activities according to relevant data protection agreements which are tailored to secure your data. We will take all necessary steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Notice and no transfer of your personal data will take place to an organisation or a country unless there are adequate controls in place, including the security of your personal data.

When and if obliged to do so, we may share your data with public authorities and law enforcement bodies.

Transferring your data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA)

As it was mentioned in the previous section, If we transfer your personal data outside of the EEA we will ensure an adequate level of data protection is in place, as defined by the applicable data protection laws.

Countries and recipients that your personal data may be transferred to are:

  • A state which is considered to have an adequate level of data protection as approved by the European Commision. You may find out more about states with the adequate level of protection here.

  • A recipient in a country that does not have an adequate level of data protection according to the European Commision. In this case, we will use contracts that require the recipient to protect your personal data to the same standards as it would be within the EEA and implement appropriate safeguards as required by the GDPR, regarding the processing of your personal data.

Changes to the Privacy Notice

It is possible that this Notice will be modified or updated in the future.

The update may contain essential or minor modifications. Essential modifications may affect your rights and obligations regarding the processing of your personal data (e.g. if we develop a new purpose of processing and install new service to our website). On the other hand, minor modifications may occur when we have to make grammatical corrections or linguistic changes, but these will have no impact on your rights and obligations regarding the processing of personal data.

If essential modifications occur, you will be properly notified in advance, so that you can take the time to review the changes before the updates are enforced.

This Privacy Notice is valid from the 1st of March 2021.

Privacy Statement


This Privacy Statement is essential for our website visitors (‘you’) to better understand how we may process your personal data obtained through the use of this website. We advise you to read carefully every section of this Privacy Statement to inform yourself about how we use or otherwise process your personal data.

Personal data is any information about you that can possibly identify you as a natural person. This Privacy Statement  does not apply to the processing that may occur on any other website but this one. The owner of this website (‘we’, ‘us’ , ‘our’) is:

This Privacy Statement is valid from the 1st of March 2021, but it may be updated or modified from time to time. If an essential change or update occurs this may affect your rights and obligations regarding the processing of your personal data. When this takes place, you will be notified in advance so that you can review the changes before they come into effect. (e.g. if we rely on new purposes for data processing, launch new services or develop new technologies that significantly impact the way we process your data).

Data we process

When you visit our website, we are processing (or may process) some of your personal data that we gather through cookies or similar technologies. We may collect two categories of personal data:

Electronic identification data

Information about the time and date of when you access our website, your IP address and the browser type and version on your device, operating system you use, unique device identifiers and information about your network provider.

Data of your interaction with our partnered websites

Information about your interactions with our partnered websites – whether you visit, register or take part in gaming activities on any of websites of our partners. This information is processed on an aggregated level (together with similar information gathered from other users), and it cannot be linked to your identity.

Why we process your data (Legal basis)

Our legal basis for processing your personal data is the legitimate interest of improving our products and services. We process your personal data to provide our services to you, to enhance your overall user experience, to further develop, secure and maintain regular functionality of our website and to prevent threats that may occur.

We process the IP address of the device you use in order to enable communication between your device and our server, as well as to determine your approximate geolocation which may be further used for service customisation (for instance to provide appropriate content for your language of choice and gambling-related content that is legal in your country). We also use this information for analytical purposes (for example to calculate how many visitors from specific countries/regions come to our website).

The processing of information about the browser and operating system you use is necessary to ensure the regular provision of our services to you. Also, we may need this type of data to solve technical problems if they emerge.

We may also process data about your activities taken on our partners’ websites. This type of information is grouped with other similar data to help us create statistics about the use of our services. This is important for the legitimate purpose of calculating our revenue.

How we use cookies

When you visit our website, your browser will receive cookies from us. By using cookies, we wish to provide the best possible on-site experience to all of our website visitors. The use of cookies enables the improvement of website functionalities, promotion of our products and delivering the content from third parties. For further information about how we use cookies, please read our Cookie Policy.

How we protect your data

We regularly make sure that your data is kept up to date and stored securely. In order to achieve that we apply different technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of your personal data against accidental or unlawful loss, alteration, theft, unauthorised disclosure or access, unauthorised use, potential data breaches and against all other unlawful forms of data processing.

Based on business needs and security requirements we apply restrictions of access control to your personal data. Access to your personal data is only granted to trained staff with authorisation, whose knowledge and skills are necessary to process personal data we gather adequately.

Data subject and data controller

As a visitor to our website, it is important for you to better understand your role under the relevant Data Protection Laws, namely the General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’). Since personal data processing that might occur on this website is about your personal data, you are considered to be a data subject. Being the data subject, you are entitled to exercise certain human rights guaranteed by the relevant EU Data Protection Laws and explained in this Privacy Statement.

According to the GDPR, data controller is the entity that determines the purposes, conditions, and means of the processing of personal data. Taking into account that we have control over your personal data (we define the purpose and means of data processing), we are to be considered as data controllers. Being a data controller provides us with the opportunity to process your personal data, but also obliges us to protect it in the way regulated by the relevant data protection legislation.

Your rights

  • Right to access: You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information that we hold
  • Right to rectification: You have the right to request correction or deletion of your personal data that you find inaccurate
  • Right to be forgotten: Also known as the Right to erasure, entitles you to request for us to erase your personal data that we hold. It can happen in various cases: when the data is no longer needed for the purposes it was collected; when you have withdrawn consent and there is no other lawful basis on which we can continue to process it; when you objected to processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds to continue; when the data has been unlawfully processed or when the data has to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation
  • Right to restrict processing: You have the right, under limited circumstances, to request that we limit our use and processing of your personal data
  • Right to object to processing: You have the right, under limited circumstances, to object to our processing of your personal data
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to request the transmission of your personal data that we process to another entity, without hindrance from us, if such transmission is technically feasible
  • Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time where we rely on it to process your personal information, without giving any reason to us
  • Right to lodge a complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint within your local or Danish Data Protection Authority if you feel that your rights are in violation. If you feel that your personal data rights have been breached or in case you have any question or doubts regarding the processing of your personal data on this website, or if you want to send us the request concerning your rights, you can contact us on

As we are established in Denmark you may choose to contact the Danish Data Protection Agency – Address: Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, DK-1300 Copenhagen K;

Third party recipients that we share your data with

We may need to share your personal data with third-party entities. These entities help us to regularly provide and further develop our services (e.g. analytics, maintenance, marketing, development, functionality improvement). As defined under the GDPR, those third parties are to be considered as data processors. Data processors are involved in the processing of your personal data on the basis of relevant data protection agreements, which are created to make sure that your personal data is safe and secure.

Your personal data may be shared with public authorities and law enforcement agencies where it is necessary to do so and where we are legally required or permitted to do so.

Transferring to recipients from Third countries

If we transfer your personal data to a recipient registered in a ‘Third country’ (outside the European Economic Area), we will ensure that your data is transferred adequately and securely, in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Laws.

There are three categories of third-country recipients that your data may be transferred to:


  • A recipient from a country which is considered to have an adequate level of data protection, approved by the European Commision. A list of countries that provide an adequate level of data protection is available here.
  • A recipient from a country that does not have an adequate level of data protection, according to the European Commision. In this case, we will use contracts (Data Protection Agreements) that require the recipient to protect your personal data using the same standards as it would be within the EEA and implement appropriate safeguards as defined by the applicable data protection law, and particularly the GDPR.